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  1. OpenShift Authentication
  2. AUTH-482

SCC pinning for all workloads in platform namespaces


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • Auth - Sprint 249, Auth - Sprint 250

      When creating a custom SCC, it is possible to assign a priority that is higher than existing SCCs. This means that any SA with access to all SCCs might use the higher priority custom SCC, and this might mutate a workload in an unexpected/unintended way.

      To protect platform workloads from such an effect (which, combined with PSa, might result in rejecting the workload once we start enforcing the "restricted" profile) we must pin the required SCC to all workloads in platform namespaces (openshift-, kube-, default).

      Each workload should pin the SCC with the least-privilege, except workloads in runlevel 0 namespaces that should pin the "privileged" SCC (SCC admission is not enabled on these namespaces, but we should pin an SCC for tracking purposes).

      The following table tracks progress.

      = completed

      # namespace 4.17 4.16 4.15
      1 oc debug node pods #1763 #1816 #1818
      2 openshift-apiserver-operator #573 #581
      3 openshift-authentication #656 #675
      4 openshift-authentication-operator #656 #675
      5 openshift-catalogd #50 #58 
      6 openshift-cloud-credential-operator #681 #736 
      7 openshift-cloud-network-config-controller #2282    
      8 openshift-cluster-csi-drivers #170 #459 #484
      9 openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator #968  
      10 openshift-cluster-olm-operator #54  
      11 openshift-cluster-samples-operator #535 #548 
      12 openshift-cluster-storage-operator #459 #196 #484 #211
      13 openshift-cluster-version #1038 #1068
      14 openshift-config-operator #410 #420
      15 openshift-console #871 #908  
      16 openshift-console-operator #871 #908  
      17 openshift-controller-manager #336 #361
      18 openshift-controller-manager-operator #336 #361
      19 openshift-e2e-loki      
      20 openshift-image-registry #1008 #1067
      21 openshift-ingress #1031    
      22 openshift-ingress-canary #1031    
      23 openshift-ingress-operator #1031    
      24 openshift-insights #915 #967
      25 openshift-kni-infra      
      26 openshift-kube-storage-version-migrator #107 #112
      27 openshift-kube-storage-version-migrator-operator #107 #112
      28 openshift-machine-api #407 #315 #282 #1220 #73 #50 #433  
      29 openshift-machine-config-operator #4219 #4384 #4393
      30 openshift-manila-csi-driver #234     
      31 openshift-marketplace #561 #570 
      32 openshift-metallb-system      
      33 openshift-monitoring #2335  
      34 openshift-network-diagnostics #2282    
      35 openshift-network-node-identity #2282    
      36 openshift-nutanix-infra      
      37 openshift-oauth-apiserver #656 #675
      38 openshift-openstack-infra      
      39 openshift-operator-controller #100 #120 
      40 openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager #703 #828 
      41 openshift-route-controller-manager #336 #361
      42 openshift-rukpak #92     
      43 openshift-service-ca #235 #243
      44 openshift-service-ca-operator #235 #243
      45 openshift-sriov-network-operator #971     
      46 openshift-user-workload-monitoring #2335  
      47 openshift-vsphere-infra      
      48 (runlevel) kube-system      
      49 (runlevel) openshift-cloud-controller-manager      
      50 (runlevel) openshift-cloud-controller-manager-operator      
      51 (runlevel) openshift-cluster-api      
      52 (runlevel) openshift-cluster-machine-approver      
      53 (runlevel) openshift-dns      
      54 (runlevel) openshift-dns-operator      
      55 (runlevel) openshift-etcd      
      56 (runlevel) openshift-etcd-operator      
      57 (runlevel) openshift-kube-apiserver      
      58 (runlevel) openshift-kube-apiserver-operator      
      59 (runlevel) openshift-kube-controller-manager      
      60 (runlevel) openshift-kube-controller-manager-operator      
      61 (runlevel) openshift-kube-proxy      
      62 (runlevel) openshift-kube-scheduler      
      63 (runlevel) openshift-kube-scheduler-operator      
      64 (runlevel) openshift-multus      
      65 (runlevel) openshift-network-operator      
      66 (runlevel) openshift-ovn-kubernetes      
      67 (runlevel) openshift-sdn      

            rh-ee-irinis Ilias Rinis
            rh-ee-irinis Ilias Rinis
            Deepak Punia Deepak Punia
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
