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  1. Ansible Cloud Automation
  2. ACA-953

[cloud.terraform/75] Command field in result has spaces between characters


      <!--- Verify first that your issue is not already reported on GitHub -->
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              1. SUMMARY
                <!--- Explain the problem briefly below -->
                The command that is returned in the result when the module succeeds has `" ".join(command)` called twice, resulting in a space between each character of the returned value. For example:

      changed: [localhost] => {
      "changed": true,
      "command": "a p p l y - n o - c o l o r - i n p u t = f a l s e - a u t o - a p p r o v e - l o c k = t r u e / t m p / t m p 7 u r j _ 0 2 _ . t f p l a n",

              1. ISSUE TYPE
      • Bug Report
              1. COMPONENT NAME
                <!--- Write the short name of the module, plugin, task or feature below, use your best guess if unsure -->
              1. STEPS TO REPRODUCE
                <!--- Describe exactly how to reproduce the problem, using a minimal test-case -->

      <!--- Paste example playbooks or commands between quotes below -->

      • hosts: localhost
        gather_facts: false
      • cloud.terraform.terraform:
        project_path: ./
        force_init: true
        tf config:
        resource "local_file" "test" { content = "asdf" filename = "/tmp/testfile" }


      <!--- HINT: You can paste gist.github.com links for larger files -->

            mandkulk@redhat.com Mandar Kulkarni
            jrouleau Jill Rouleau
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
