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  1. Ansible Cloud Automation
  2. ACA-1065

[kubernetes.core/536] Document limitations of diff with multiple resources


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      <!--- Verify first that your improvement is not already reported on GitHub -->
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              1. SUMMARY
                <!--- Explain the problem briefly below, add suggestions to wording or structure -->
                When using diff and a resource definition with multiple resources, the diffs are not printed by ansible as it usually does. This is because the diff for each resource is attached to the resource in a list of resources, rather than being in a single `diff` key at the top level of the returned response. This limitation should be documented.

      See #42 for more information.
      <!--- HINT: Did you know the documentation has an "Edit on GitHub" link on every page ? -->

              1. ISSUE TYPE
      • Documentation Report
              1. COMPONENT NAME
                <!--- Write the short name of the rst file, module, plugin, task or feature below, use your best guess if unsure -->
              1. ANSIBLE VERSION
                <!--- Paste verbatim output from "ansible --version" between quotes -->
                ```paste below


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            jrouleau Jill Rouleau
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